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What is the purpose of life? What God gave us to do? Article by Harsh Vardhan Singh. The Romanch. philosophy by theromanch

Purpose of Life



So, when we talk about the purpose of our life, we generally have three questions around. First, who gave it? Second, what it is? And third, how it could be achieved?

I can answer this now but I like to tell you a story. There was a drop of water who wished to know the purpose of its life. After thinking so much about its destination and purpose, it could get nothing. It could only think the unending journey in different forms with different people.

So the journey started as a droplet in the clouds. It was floating with the clouds up in the sky very happily. One day some other droplets came and the cloud became heavy and it started coming down. It rained on a glacier and became ice for some time. Later it melted and flowed down the river. The drop thought this is its purpose so it kept on. Soon it was supplied to a canal and reached a farmer’s field. The drop thought that the purpose of its life is fulfilled by giving its service to the plant but the plant then transpired it and it again reached the clouds.

The journey continued in a cyclic way and the drop couldn’t find its purpose. This is life. There is journey and it is continue. If you decide a purpose, you must be ready for another shift because when a purpose is fulfilled, what about next. There must be something else to be achieved.

As a human, we need progress. We need development so we can make small purposes so that we don’t get confused on our journey. Once we decide what is to be achieved, we should stop thinking about the destination. We just have to think about the path and on the path we should walk without any problem. What happens is the consequence of what we do on the journey.

See, we create boundaries for us to survive in an organized way but it would never compel us to live in. For example, we have made houses to live in an organized way with proper security but what will happen if we close the doors and you are inside.

It happened with one of my friends. He had a habit of sleeping all the day and study at night. So he just took bath at 11 in the morning and had some food and went to sleep. We knew that he is not getting up before 6 so we went and closed the door from outside and talked about it loudly so that he could listen to it.

He listened and got up. He called us to open the door. We said you are going to sleep so just go but he didn’t go. His voice was getting louder and louder. The troubled boy even started abusing us and we opened the door.

The point is that though he was going to sleep and of course the door was locked from inside but when he knew that it is locked from outside too, he reacted as he is in trouble. This is because the life wants to be free. It doesn’t want to be controlled by anyone else.

So when you make an ultimate purpose, you want to create a boundary and it is a challenge to your freedom. So don’t want the purpose of life or a destination. If you really want purpose then make many purposes and fulfil it one by one so that the journey keeps running.

So don’t think of the creator or the purpose given to you. What you do has a consequence that will lead your journey and that’s the thing.

Don’t wait for purpose to become happy, you just become happy with the journey you are in. That is the life.



  1. There is no God given purpose. It is all about us. Very good sir


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