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The Power of Donation. Why scriptures always promoted donation? Philosophy by theromanch. by Harsh Vardhan Singh

 The Power of Donation


In Indian culture, donation is praised all over. From little prayer to yajna, everywhere it is said to donate. A lot of stories are told about this, the scriptures too promote it.

Some people relate it to greed. They say that it was written to fulfil the desires of greedy Brahmins. They are not absolutely wrong but they are wrong at most of the time. I am telling you the reason why it was promoted so much but we read a story first.

There was a poor Brahmin named Mudgal who lived with his family. He, his wife and his young children collected grains in a fortnight and another fortnight they served it to the needy. This was their job and they were satisfied with their work.

Once a knowledgeable and mystic Rishi Durvasha wanted to check the strength of Mudgal’s donating power. So he waited for the last moment of meal and when there was no other needy for food, he reached to Mudgal’s house. Mudgal was going to eat with his family but when he saw Rishi Durvasha coming there, he got up and came outside. He and his family welcomed rishi, washed his feet and served him food. Durvasha ate all the food and when there was nothing remained left, he got up, thanked Mugdal and his family and went away. They had to live without eating the food.

Next fortnight Durvasha again came at the last of the meal and had the food and Mudgal’s family was again remained hungry.

It continued for six months. Every fortnight Durvasha came and had food and left nothing. Mudgal and his family survived in hunger but they didn’t stop their tapasya.

Seventh time Durvasha saw that they were as enthusiastic as they were in start and they had no problem in feeding and remaining hungry. So he became very happy. He blessed him and by his blessings, Devas came from heaven and brought him along with his family to heaven.

This story is told to tell you the power of donation. Though this story takes its consequence to heaven yet it has a meaning of this realistic world. Mudgal and his family felt satisfaction in helping the needy. They became joyful with serving the hungry. This is a good thing.

Donation is not for someone else’s welfare. It is about you. Who is getting profit by your giving is not a matter. The matter is how you felt after helping someone. Today you know, a lot of people are at starvation. The pandemic has left many people jobless and they are really in need. It’s a good time to help those who are helpless.


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