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Power of ignorance. Best way to get the knowledge. style of living the life by theromanch. Harsh Vardhan SIngh.

Power of ignorance


There was a village on the bank of Gomati River. A Brahmin named Brijraj lived there. He was the most educated person in the village so people gave him respect and it made him feel proud on his knowledge. He often treated people badly, scolded many, even fought some people but still people respected him because he was educated.

One day a saint came to the village. Usually when a saint comes in a village, Indians pay much respect to him. They follow the tradition of Atithi Devo Bhav means the guest is the God. Even in these days, some people follow this.

So the saint came. People welcomed him; one person brought him to his house and gave him good meal. By the welcoming of the people he was happy, so he called a Gyan Sabha means a meeting of knowledge in the evening.

In the evening people gathered at a place in the village. The saint was given a higher place to sit so that he could deliver his message to all. Brijraj also came there with one of his neighbours. He did not come there to gain some knowledge but he wished to show his own knowledge to the saint.

The meeting started; the saint told so many good things and people listened to it. After his teachings stopped Brijraj went to the saint and started saying in a proud voice, “Respected saint, I know a lot of things but I don’t know everything. Please teach me something new.”

The saint saw him, observed his behaviour and then said in a soft voice, “Ok! So you already know many things and you want something new. So just do this one thing, on this small paper write the whole things you already know so that I could teach you something else.”

He took the paper and started thinking what to write. He thought a lot but he couldn’t write a word. He just returned the paper saying that he knows nothing that he could write on it.

The saint smiled and said, “Now the first time you have learnt a thing in your life that is ‘you know nothing’. Whenever you go to learn something, you always show yourself like you know nothing so that you could learn something.”

Brijraj understood this and returned the home. He thought a lot about this and decided to change his behaviour so that he can become easy for people.

This is the thing that the human should do in life. When you think to learn something, firstly find a teacher. Get all relative information about him but when you are sure about him, let everything on him. He will teach you and by the time of learning you have to pay all respect and trust on him.

The knowledge you gather all your life, is a little for this universe. A lot of things are still unknown for you and you can know them when you think and decide in your mind that you know nothing.

Ignorance has a lot of powers to learn. It is a great possibility but it will come in use when you welcome it.

Knowing nothing is a key to know something in your life.


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