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Showing posts from November, 2020

The Power of Donation. Why scriptures always promoted donation? Philosophy by theromanch. by Harsh Vardhan Singh

 The Power of Donation In Indian culture, donation is praised all over. From little prayer to yajna, everywhere it is said to donate. A lot of stories are told about this, the scriptures too promote it. Some people relate it to greed. They say that it was written to fulfil the desires of greedy Brahmins. They are not absolutely wrong but they are wrong at most of the time. I am telling you the reason why it was promoted so much but we read a story first. There was a poor Brahmin named Mudgal who lived with his family. He, his wife and his young children collected grains in a fortnight and another fortnight they served it to the needy. This was their job and they were satisfied with their work. Once a knowledgeable and mystic Rishi Durvasha wanted to check the strength of Mudgal’s donating power. So he waited for the last moment of meal and when there was no other needy for food, he reached to Mudgal’s house. Mudgal was going to eat with his family but when he saw Rishi Durvasha c

Power of ignorance. Best way to get the knowledge. style of living the life by theromanch. Harsh Vardhan SIngh.

Power of ignorance   There was a village on the bank of Gomati River. A Brahmin named Brijraj lived there. He was the most educated person in the village so people gave him respect and it made him feel proud on his knowledge. He often treated people badly, scolded many, even fought some people but still people respected him because he was educated. One day a saint came to the village. Usually when a saint comes in a village, Indians pay much respect to him. They follow the tradition of Atithi Devo Bhav means the guest is the God. Even in these days, some people follow this. So the saint came. People welcomed him; one person brought him to his house and gave him good meal. By the welcoming of the people he was happy, so he called a Gyan Sabha means a meeting of knowledge in the evening. In the evening people gathered at a place in the village. The saint was given a higher place to sit so that he could deliver his message to all. Brijraj also came there with one of his neighbours.

What is the purpose of life? What God gave us to do? Article by Harsh Vardhan Singh. The Romanch. philosophy by theromanch

Purpose of Life   So, when we talk about the purpose of our life, we generally have three questions around. First, who gave it? Second, what it is? And third, how it could be achieved? I can answer this now but I like to tell you a story. There was a drop of water who wished to know the purpose of its life. After thinking so much about its destination and purpose, it could get nothing. It could only think the unending journey in different forms with different people. So the journey started as a droplet in the clouds. It was floating with the clouds up in the sky very happily. One day some other droplets came and the cloud became heavy and it started coming down. It rained on a glacier and became ice for some time. Later it melted and flowed down the river. The drop thought this is its purpose so it kept on. Soon it was supplied to a canal and reached a farmer’s field. The drop thought that the purpose of its life is fulfilled by giving its service to the plant but the plant then tr

Deer and the sage | Need of compassion | Beautiful life | Philosophy | Short Story | King Bharat | The Romanch |

Deer and the Sage Add caption This is a story of a king who ruled India many millennia ago. His name was Bharat. King Bharat ruled for a long time and when he crowned his son, he had no work left for the kingdom. He took Sanyasa and went to the forest. One day when he was bathing in the river, he saw a deer which came there to drink water. She was pregnant and it was her maternity time. When deer entered the water, a terrible roar of a lion came from the jungle. She got afraid of the lion and jumped to escape. This jump was her last jump. She died immediately and her fetus came out. Alive! The fawn started flowing with the stream of the river. Bharat saw this all incident and he felt sorrow for the mother deer. He went ahead and picked baby deer and brought it to his ashram. The fawn survived. It started growing like waxing moon in Bharat’s ashram. Bharat started loving it and his love got increased day by day. He left his tapasya, he didn’t pray daily nor did he anything that